Omsi 2 right hand drive buses
Omsi 2 right hand drive buses

omsi 2 right hand drive buses omsi 2 right hand drive buses

I know OMSI was made specifically for one part of the world, but it has made such an impact on bus fans globally that it would just open up so many new possibilities by having these great quality buses availbable for RHD maps. There is such little support for RHD maps/vehicles and it would make such a huge difference in the experience for those of us missing RHD support (and i think there are a lot of UK/Aussie fans who would love to see omsi make that big leap)

omsi 2 right hand drive buses

If you receive an access is denied message, retry the installation. Double click this to start running the game. as a lot of the main modelling is already done i wonder if a bit of time could be invested in creating the RHD buses which would make such a difference to a lot of omsi fans. This is a pack of buses ready to copy and paste into OMSI and play right away Includes 8 UK (right hand drive) buses. After the game has installed, you will see a OMSI 2 icon on your desktop. Verify Intergrity of Game Files verify only basic OMSI 2 files. This is a pack of buses ready to copy and paste into OMSI and play right away Includes 8 UK (right hand drive) buses. Click on Library (top of screen) look for the Omsi 2 icon and right-click on it then click on Properties Local Files and finally. Im not sure how much extra work this would take as im not a modeller, but there is so little content out in omsi land for RHD vehicles, and what few models there are just dont have the same amazing quality as the M&R models. Hello Ive just downloaded the Great grundorf 2 for Left Hand Drive buses. Hi there, i dont know if this is the right area to make this suggestion, but the default buses by M&R that comes with OMSI are of such fantastic quality, I was wondering if Marcel would consider taking his existing LHD models and flipping them to create RHD versions.

Omsi 2 right hand drive buses